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73rd Pancake Breakfast

The Pancake Breakfast At a Glance

Saturday • June 4 7AM - 11AM Breakfast $10 per person Pancakes, Sausage, Orange Juice, Milk and Coffee

Sponsored by: Jeff Stone - Coffee Rich Vaught - Sausages

Naples Islands Garden Club - Syrup

Bottoms Up Boat Maintenance - Orange Juice

Fun Run 7:45 Registration

8:30 2.7 Mile Run

Entry Fee $5 Cash/Checks are accepted for food/raffle tickets, T-shirts and Fun Run.

Checks are made out to NIA.


Catching Up With Kim Bergkvist, Pancake Breakfast Chair

It's been three years since the last Pancake Breakfast. Naples News (NN) caught up with the event chair, Kim Bergkvist (KB), to check in...

NN: How many years have you chaired the event? KB: This will be my 11th year! Yes, you read that right.

NN: What should we know about the raffle? KB: Tickets are $1 for 1, $5 for 6 and $10 for 12. Prizes in the past have included restaurant gift cards, Gondola Getaway gift card, baskets, and unique items.

NN: What should we know about the Fun Run? KB: It's $5 to enter. Check in starts at 7:45 AM with the race starting at 8:30. It's a 2.7 mile loop around the Island. You can run, walk, stroll or skateboard.

NN: Tell us about the Craft Fair KB: Items vary each year but usually we have a great mix of jewelry, unique gift items, handbags and makeup. In the past, we have also had booths from local businesses like 9Round, LB CERT-Naples and Executive Fitness. The Naples Island Garden Club will also be back selling their plants.

NN: Will you still be accepting volunteer sign-ups around June 1? KB: Yes, definitely contact me as I may have last minute needs/ cancellations. 562-301-1798 or

NN: So we touched on the sponsors, how about key volunteers? KB: A huge round of applause goes to my core team: Cathy Black, Lisa Kammel, Marilyn Bittle (THE BATTER QUEEN), Linda Pachter and Stacey King. I'd also like to thank my hubby Michael Bergkvist and his Dawn Patrol swim group (Scott Meyer, Jeff Wimbish and Shawn Oatey) for handling the setup of the electricity/audio and anything else I throw their way. Then there's Dan Iketani & Michael Bergkvist for hooking up the grills/propane tanks and testing them each year. Steve King & Michael O'Toole for their years of picking up the food items from Naples Ribs. Bob Lane for his many years of chairing the Raffle. Todd Lemmis for his many years of handling the early am setup. NIGC for the beautiful table centerpieces. Naples Ribs , Executive Fitness and Gelson's for their help and donations. If you see any of these awesome team members, give them a shout out as the breakfast would not be a success without them.

NN: And we've heard you're ready to take a break. KB: Yep. This is my last year chairing the Breakfast. I have poured my heart and soul into this event and it's time for me to pass the binder on! I appreciate all the love and support I have received over the years. THANK YOU to everyone who donated their time and energy to make the breakfast such a treasured tradition! Cheers!

NN: Do we know who's on board for next year? KB: Absolutely! Monique Lawee will be next year's Kim Bergkvist.

NN: GO MONIQUE!! And, Kim, THANK YOU for your incredible dedication, enthusiasm and skill in stewarding one of Naples' most treasured community events!

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