CERT Starts With "Community"

The health and safety of individuals is CERT’s number one concern in a disaster - it may take hours or even days for first responders to get to us. CERT volunteers are trained in basic life-saving emergency first aid skills to help our neighbors suffering injuries such as major bleeds, punctures and impalements; broken bones; shock; and burns. But our response to a disaster will be much stronger with the support of local medical professionals.
We have many medical professionals living and working on Naples Islands that are willing to assist us prepare for, and respond to, a disaster. Our goal is to establish a team of medical volunteers to do the following:
Assist in planning for medical needs (supplies, personnel, protocols, logistics) in a major disaster
Provide training on emergency first aid skills to lay volunteers
Serve as Medical Leads during a disaster, guiding triage and first aid efforts
Provide direct treatment to injured individuals
Provide consultation to other non-medical and professional volunteers related to assessing or treating individuals

To this end, we have created a database of medical volunteers. These are licensed (or retired) physicians, physician assistants, nurses, EMTs, chiropractors, physical therapists, optometrist, dentists and other medical professionals. This database is confidential and only utilized by our CERT leadership for CERT purposes.
Volunteers are protected by California’s “Good Samaritan Law” allowing individuals acting in good faith to provide emergency medical (and non-medical) services at the scene of an emergency without concern for civil liability.
We are asking all Naples Island medical professionals to sign up with our CERT program and let us know how you are willing to help. Please complete a simple registration at, or

For more information, email us at