Membership in the NIA runs June 1, 2024 - May 31, 2025. Your support of the NIA is a direct investment into maintaining and improving the quality of life in our vibrant Naples community. Questions? Contact our membership chairperson, Cindy BamBam, at
THANK YOU in advance for your support!
We are happy to include "Title" designations such as Dr. or Rev. in our membership listings. Due to space limitations and consistency, however, we do not include titles such as Mr., Mrs., Miss, and Ms., in the listings.
If answering 'Yes", please ensure that the number listed is a mobile device or is capable of receiving text messages. We anticipate sending no more than 3 to 4 texts per month.
(Resides in same household as Primary Member)
The NIA publishes a list of its supporters on and in Naples News Magazine. Supporters are listed either by business name or last-name-first. Supporters are listed alphabetically and grouped by membership level. By default we list the Primary Member from above first .
• ABC Co. (if a business was listed above)
• Watson, Jane and Robert (where Jane was listed as the Primary Member)
• Jones, Barbara and Alex Smith (where Barbara was listed as the Primary Member)
If you answered "Yes" and you would prefer to specify something other than the NIA's default listing (such as "The Ferguson Family" or "ABC Co./The Fergusons"), feel free to enter the details in the space below. Reminder, due to space limitations, the listings do not include titles such Mr., Mrs. Ms., Miss.
Thank You for supporting the NIA and advancing quality of life on Naples Islands.