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The Dog Days of Summer are upon us!

LB CERT-Naples Team

Updated: May 22, 2022

Dear fellow Neapolitans,

I hope you all cut out the last article I wrote and put it on the Refer and are checking off your summer bucket lists! I am well into it…

While I am writing this, I am overlooking Alamitos Bay at a balmy 85 degree’s and 75-degree water temp! Paradise! I called a buddy of mine living in Hawaii to compare temps. Hawaii was boasting 85 degrees with 78-degree water, plus Humidity! Ha! We win!

Summer transportation and tools of the Naples Island trade……

As I was sitting at home with a cup of Joe gazing at our side patio. The scene was SUMMER. Stacked up in the “to go” position was piles of flip flops, boogey boards, skateboards, fins, surf board leashes, SAND, Beach chairs, umbrellas, coolers, bikes and drying boardshorts, bikini’s and towels. All the windows were open, the Dutch-door in full extension. Many houses on the Island I am sure don’t have air conditioning, but I have figured out the engineering of air flow like the old Mercedes famous vent system. Top of South Dutch door open, west side patio door ajar, South East kitchen window cracked 5 inches, North west back door open and East side bedroom opened half way. Air flowing from every angle. Naples Island Air conditioning at its finest! And of course, the summer “extra bowl” of water for the dog. People say it’s too expensive to live in So Cal but without the inland /mid-west/East Coast/Southern heating and air conditioning bills, I might question that line of thinking.

I really wish this lasted for more than 100 days, well, I guess it usually does.

Other signs of summer:

Now, I realize that I am blessed with spending most of my days working in sand, water, docks or on a boat. I love the days that I walk out of the house, get in the car, roll every window down, ease back the sun-roof and then half way to work realize that I forgot my shoes. I also lose a lot less sunglasses during the summer because I never have to set them down. Cloudy days cost me a lot of money!


While a lot of the world is complaining about traffic on the highways and byways I have a complaint too. The other day I was pulling out from my dock on the Rivo Alto canal, it took me almost 10 minutes just to get to the first Toledo bridge because of all the kayaks, water bikes, Duffy’s and (well-handled gondolas) ha ha. I finally made it into the bay and had to stop and wait for a Sabot regatta to pass and a couple of outriggers and rowing shells. I slowly proceeded through the array of Bay swimmers along the Peninsula and was stopped again at the entrance to the jetty to let pass about 300 lasers tacking out the channel during the North American Championships. When I finally maneuvered my way out the jetty, I zig zagged my way to the mooring balls off Island White through an array of kite-surfers, yachts, whalers, paddlers, dolphins and seals. Yep! Paradise……

I like to think of Alamitos bay as a moat around our Paradisiacal Island kingdom, if we could only make the 2 second street bridges, draw bridges….boy oh boy!

Naples Island has many great seasons, but I must say she shines brightest in Summer. We should take our Island on a nice vacation to relax after summer. She really gets ‘used and abused’ with that “Rivo Alto” full smile on her face all season long.

Barefoot, sunburned and salty,

Michael O’Toole

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