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Lahaina Tragedy Underscores Important Warnings

Seeing Lahaina destroyed is shocking, sobering, and breaks our hearts. A wildfire in a tropical coastal community? Our world - and risks - are changing in ways we haven’t imagined. What can we learn from this horrific tragedy?


We, too, live in a community with limited ways to evacuate. Like Lahaina, fire during a high wind event could devastate our community. All residents should take these steps NOW to protect themselves and their familes:

1. SIGN UP for Alert Long Beach 

( to receive notifications of an emergency.

2. Have working SMOKE detectors in all bedrooms. Most house fire deaths occur because there were no working smoke detectors.

3. Have working A/B/C fire extinguishers in the kitchen and garage. Periodicaly check expiration dates of extinguishers and make sure extiniguishers are properly charged.

4. Plan for two escape routes from all rooms.  If you have a second story, have a rollout ladder to escape from a window.

5. Be ready to EVACUATE with short notice.

• Make sure all family members know pre-established meeting points, on-island and off-island.

• Have pre-positioned “go bags” for all family members, which includes important documents, medications, water, food, a first aid kit, a crank radio with the NOAA station, flashlight, phone charger, basic toiletries, and a change of clothes.

• Have a “go bag” for your pet - including a carrier, leash, meds, food, and toys.

• WEAR closed-toe shoes and be ready to walk off the island if roads are blocked. Have a plan for any family members with mobility issues.

6. Establish an out-of-region contact point for coordinating communication about your location and well-being. 

Tip: Texting often works better than calling.

For more tips and resources, review the Naples CERT Planning Guide and visit Naples’ web pages at

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