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Naples News

CBYC's Small Boat Entry Scores Big

Every holiday season, the Cerritos Bahia Yacht Club makes a group project out of entering The Naples Boat Parade. There are many extremely talented designers and builders among the group. The platform for the float is a beat-up, old pontoon boat owned by CBYC. It is launched one day a year for Naples’ parade and then returned to storage until the next year. Each year the CBYC team waits in anticipation of the latest theme provided by the NIA. Once the theme is announced, the designers pool their ideas to create sketches of how the club’s entry should look. From conception to completion it requires approximately three full weeks of concerted effort. CBYC is this year’s Grand Prize winner. Their float featured Christmas songs from around the world playing in different languages, a giant, rotating, papier-mâché globe, mini-dolphins dancing at water level, and characters and icons from around the world. Truly a global interpretation of Christmas Around the World!

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